
About Us

We live in a world that is constantly changing. Product choices and economic environments make it extremely difficult to make correct financial decisions without the PS&G Model. Look to the Unique Advantage Process™ to provide a tool to allow you to gain clear understanding. The model is referred to as the Catalyst in our process.

At Unique Advantage, we understand and appreciate the importance of living each day and enjoying life right now. Monetary comfort and security allows us to live the life we choose or dream about – whether that is traveling the globe, driving a nice car, living an opulent life or living a life of service to mankind. We encourage our clients to become thoroughly accountable to their dreams and make those dreams known to us. We believe that dreams are powerful and the more detailed they are – the more likely they are to come true. 

It is our objective to assist our clients in coordinating all of their financial decisions with their dreams help verify those money decisions and maintain maximum efficiency so that they reach their maximum potential.

As Lifetime Economic Acceleration Process (LEAP) authorized representatives, our objective is to help each client implement products and develop strategies that will enable them to accomplish their desires while facing a lower level of risk.  Since its inception in 1980, the LEAP System has proven effective and beneficial to over one million consumers.  Its accuracy has been attested and approved by leading attorneys, accountants and actuaries.  The LEAP System is a major contributor to the growth and development of the financial services industry.  At Unique Advantage, our meticulous evaluation of our clients' financial goals allows us to utilize different LEAP strategies and products that best benefit their financial situation. 

The primary objectives of the LEAP System are:
  • To increase the amount of money our clients will have over their lifetime.
  • To reduce their income taxes.
  • To give better accessibility over their money.
  • To lower financial risks.
  • To provide greater insurance protection
  • To give our clients a better understanding of how their money actually works.
  • To provide organization of their financial documents and plans.
  • To provide a verifiable financial process.